19God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: when He hath said, will He not do it? or when He hath spoken, will He not make it good?
44 And yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break My covenant with them; for I am the LORD their God.
45 But I will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the LORD.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Translation: ...The words in English may not the exact literal meaning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chol HaKamim Alai L'Ra'ah - And all that rise against me for evil Meherah Hafehr Atzatam - Speedily change their intentions V'Kalkel Machshevotam- And ruin their ideas /thoughts
--- x2 ---
Kol Yaseh, L'ma'an Shmecha - All I'll do, for Your Name(for/in honour of) Kol Yaseh, L'ma'an Yeminecha - All I'll do, for Your Mighty Chesed (Loving Kindness) Kol Yaseh, L'ma'an Toratecha- All I'll do, for Your Torah Kol Yaseh, L'ma'an Kdushatchah - All I'll do, for Your Holyness
Banned UN Speech: Human Rights Nightmare (WWW.UNWATCH.ORG)
Description: Sign-up at www.unwatch.org -- UN Watch exposes the hypocrisy, indifference and moral inversions of the supposedly reformed UN Human Rights Council. Millions of victims and 191 countries ignored. Darfur atrocities denied. Self-proclaimed defenders of Palestinian rights -- Assad, Ahamadinejad, Khaddafi and UN expert John Dugard -- say nothing of recent Hamas and Fatah killing of Palestinians. Council President Luis de Alba, ambassador of Mexico, rejects the speech as "inadmissible" -- and bans such remarks from being delivered again. NGOs and newspapers around the world express alarm at denial of free speech and open debate. Support UN Watch: visit http://www.unwatch.org/
UN Watch challenges permanent indictment of Israel
Description: UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer addresses the plenary of the Human Rights Council regarding its new agenda item targeting Israel.
I am not Ashamed - By Rabbi Meir Kahane, Zt"l (May 19, 1989)
I am not ashamed to admit it. I am afraid. I am afraid that my people and my state are marching inexorably to a horror that can best be unimagined. And I am afraid, for the first time, that we are in the hands of people so blind and so mad and so un-Jewish that we may not be able, G-d forbid, to avert the catastrophe.
Last week I was at the Western Wall. It was the Friday after the Friday when the Moslems, standing on the Temple Mount -- OUR Temple Mount -- hurled rocks and stones on the Jews praying below. It was the Friday after the Friday when Jews, in the sovereign State of Israel, praying at the remains of the Holy Temple, fled in panic from the Moslems who cried "Allah Akhbar!" It was the Friday after the Friday in which Jews in the State of Israel fled in panic from Moslems who proclaimed their dream of destroying the Jewish State.
I was at the Wall on the Friday after the Friday. No less than 3,000 (!) security forces were there to protect the Jews in their own state from Moslems who once so trembled before the Jew. Three thousand (!) security forces to protect Jews -- who were so frightened that they stayed away in droves. The proud State of Israel. . . .
I am afraid. I am afraid that the Jews of insanity who run this land will destroy us, even as all the impossible Herut fools in the United States continue to write columns attacking the PLO.
I am afraid. Last week, I was at the Hebron Jewish cemetery. I saw the swastikas and the Arab graffiti of hate on the walls. I saw the desecrated tombstones. I watched as the Jews held a memorial service.
A memorial service! They murder us and they dececrate us and we react with memorial services!
That day a rock smashed through the car window of a Jew traveling in Bethlehem, injuring him in the temple, cheek and shoulder. That day, 600 apple and 50 olive trees were destroyed along with tens of thousands of commercial flowers at the settlement of Nvei Michael. But I return to the cemetery.
How many people, how many Jews, in the world heard of the Hebron cemetery outrage? No matter. How should they have heard of it when the Prime Minister of Israel, the President of Israel, its Knesset and its governmental leaders did not find it necessary to shout their indignation.
A week of Chillul Hashem, of desecration. And the men who run this State of Disorder sit by, hapless and impotent, silent partners to Desecration. And I know that the Almighty's rage will lash out at us for allowing His name to be defiled. And I am afraid for much more.
Last week I watched as the insanity spread and reached new heights. The Border Police, the elite security forces, were sent to make arrests in the murderous village of Nahalin. They were attacked by hundreds of stone throwing, Molotov cocktail-throwing Arabs. The Border Police, under a murderous barrage, fired and killed four Arabs. Only four Arabs. The Arabs shrieked in protest; the pathologically sick leftists joined them and demanded and "investigation"; the army command, led by two kibbutz members, Chief of Staff Don Shomron and Central Command OC Amram Mitzna, so ordered. The Border Police were accused of "overreacting" and "indiscriminate shooting," and two of their officers were suspended from duty.
I am afraid. Yesterday they destroyed the army with their insane orders that hobbled the troops, causing them to fear to deal with the Arabs as normal soldiers should. Today, they take the best of the security forces, the Border Police, and destroy them, too. And they must be stopped before they destroy the Jewish state -- and the Jew.
They protest over Nahalin? They investigate attacks on Nahalin? Do you know what Nahalin is? Do you know who the Arabs of Nahalin are? Of course not, so read. And learn. And grow angry and bitter -- and do something.
In 1948, the villagers of Nahalin participated in the massacre of 35 Jewish students coming to the rescue of Kfar Etzion. They murdered them in cold blood. In 1954, two Jews were murdered by Nahalin villagers leading to a reprisal raid on the village by Israel. At that time, the UN comdemned the Jews. Today, the Jews do.
When Israel liberated the land in 1967, the normal , sane thing to have done would have been to drive the scum out. But we are not normal. We are not sane. We allowed them to remain along with all the rest of them -- murderous Ishmaelites who cannot live with Jews or with themselves (and let us raise a toast to gloriously peaceful Beirut). And now we investigate and condemn our Border Police for having "fired indiscriminately" on the village that murdered Jews yesterday, that dreams of murdering them tomorrow, and that attacked the Border Police with hate and rocks and firebombs in their hands.
We are insane. We are in the hands of leaders who are insane and who march us down the road to horror and destruction. I am afraid. I am afraid of a government that, instead of supporting the men whom they send into war (and this IS a war!); instead of giving them accolades and medals for killing the Arab enemy (and they ARE the enemy -- all of them) -- investigates them, censures them, disciplines them. Insanity. And I am afraid.
I am afraid. Last week I watched as the police indicted Rabbi Moshe Levinger for doing that which any normal human being would. Driving in the heart of Hebron, a nest of snakes and scorpions, a city of Arabs with Jewish blood on their hands from 1929 -- his car was attacked and a stone smashed its window. He ran out shooting at the Jew-haters and killed one. A pity. One. He was indicted and I am afraid. For I fear that we may be lost.
I see the leftists who control the state news media even as the pathetic Shamir government does nothing. I see the daily barrage of state-sponsored self-hate and self-destruction aimed at destroying the morale of the security forces, while the tiny people who run this tiny government sit impotent. I see the defeatists who run the Likud-controlled Ministry of Justice indicting Jews who were attacked, even as thearmy does the same to its soldiers, and the government of Shamir sits in its perpetual transcendental silence. I watch Shamir and his Likud sell out Israel through the kind of deception we learned from Begin. He prepares elections that will seal the sovereignty of the "Palestinians" over the land, as it leads to the autonomy of Camp David that will whet the Arab appetite and increase the Jewish dementia and result in a "Palestinian" state that will be a dagger in Israel's heart.
I see all this and know that if we are to save the Jewish state and its three-and-a-half million Jews from terrible horrors, we must rise up and demand a fundamental change in the very system of government. We must throw out those who destroy us from within, and keep them out. I know that this present system of government that allows them to control our lives and lead us to destruction, must be ended. I know that elections must be limited only to those who understand that the Arabs are the deadly enemy of the Jewish state, who would bring on us a slow Auschwitz -- not with gas, but with knives and hatchets. I know that only those groups which accept the following program should be allowed to run for office:
To finish the Arab war against Israel with every means at our disposal and an end to the immoral and sick "pity" for them; to remove the Arabs from the Land once and for all; to annex Judea-Samaria-Gaza and make them part of the Jewish State; to radically overhaul the bankrupt education of Israel by infusing our children with Judaism and true nationalism; to cleanse Israel radio and television of the mad and dangerous leftists who, daily, destroy us from within.
I know that unless the people rise up and demand such a national referendum, to dissolve the Knesset and vote on such a program, we are lost. And I am afraid.