חג חנוכה שמח
Wishing You a Wonderful Hanukah
Virtually attend the weeklong Chanukah Candlelighting Ceremonies at the Kotel. Details at Chanukah Candlelighting at the Western Wall - LIVE! Video Streaming W/Sound Facebook Group
Rabbi Pinchas Winston of ThirtySix.org on Chanuka
Sevivon (Dreydle)Shalom Sesame - Here is your life 1990 (Interview with a Jag of Oil)
DailyHalacha.com quick mp3 audio
1. The Hanukah Miracle; Customs Regarding Working and Festive Meals During Hanukah
2. Hanukah Candles - Arranging the Candles in a Straight Line; the Proper Place for Lighting
Excerpt from DailyHalacha.com's Email: (Audio with full halacha of the day at the above link -- Emails includes audio links )
After lighting the Hanukah candles, one should recite the hymn, "Hanerot Halalu," which contains thirty-six words, corresponding to the thirty-six candles lit over the course of the eight days. It is then customary to recite "Mizmor Shir Hanukat Ha'bayit" (Tehilim 30), and then to recite seven times the final verse of Tehilim 90 ("Vi'hi No'am") and Tehilim 91 ("Yosheb Be'seter Elyon").
Each night of Hanukah (starting from the second night), the newest candle is positioned to the left of the previous night's candle. Thus, on the first night one positions the candle on the extreme right, adding one candle to the left each subsequent night. When one lights the Hanukah, he lights from left to right, meaning, the newest candle first.
The Miracle on 42nd Street (from Aish's Jewlerious)
See also Chanukah 5768 E-Card